27 February 2009

Cryptanalysis prize deadline extension

Recently, we announced a prize for the best cryptanalysis on Keccak to encourage third-party analysis. As no submission has been received yet, we announce an extension of the deadline: the results must be publicly available on an URL that is sent to keccak -at- noekeon -dot- org before Friday April 24, 2009 at 16:00 GMT+1.

The date is chosen to be right before Eurocrypt 2009. As said, we'll do our best to bring the case and the winners together, for instance at the Eurocrypt conference in Köln.

Compared to the original announcement, the prize now comprises 25 bottles of Belgian beer (instead of 24) so that there are as many bottles as lanes in Keccak-f.

We hope analyzing Keccak is a fun and interesting challenge, and we appreciate any submitted work!